Westminster Kingsway College – Cookery School (Day 21)
Posted on Sunday, 19th July 2009
It was the last day of cookery school before we broke for the summer. As I walked into class, Chef told me with great amusement that J was unable to attend. Readers might recall that a few weeks ago, I had a small bust up with J over salt – yes, salt. (For that post, click here). I have no problem with J, but I think that particular incident provided great amusement for many, including Chef. I too, can see the humourous side of it now, and so it came as no surprise when C, another girl in my class, mentioned to me during our break that she found my blog posts about the infighting in class to be absolutely hilarious. Although I don’t wish for more fights, I do hope for more amusing material to entertain you all with!
This week we worked on choux pastry – profiteroles, choux buns and eclairs. I must say, they were absolutely delicious. Chef let us take them all home, although I ended up giving some away to my building porter. Need to watch all that chantilly cream and crème patisserie (pastry cream)!

Various types of choux pastry
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July 20th, 2009 at 2:23 pm
ohhh. lucky girl, getting to do to cooking school for a bit. your choux looks so delish-and i read the back story on the salt incident. please! i think that that guy needs to get a life. funny how small things become big things in a classroom. it’s a way to work out your strange psychological quirks, isn’t it. good for you for not taking any lip!
July 20th, 2009 at 5:45 pm
Hi Cate,
Thanks for your support. The choux was indeed delish. And yes, salt discipline was indeed strange, but amusing in hindsight.