"After years of continuous eating,'A Girl has to Eat', a self-confessed food lover and eat-aholic, has been spurred on to create her own food guide & blog. Read about her fabulous (and sometimes not so fabulous) culinary adventures in her restaurant reviews. This and more!"

Junk Food Concepts That Will Never Make You Fat

Posted on Friday, 13th May 2022

Imagine if you could eat all your favorite foods all day long and not suffer any consequences. No weight gain, no tiredness, and no lack of energy.

It seems impossible, doesn’t it? But, actually, you can achieve it, as long as you know how to use healthy ingredients properly.

Currently, we have an industrialised food culture. We believe that the only way to make a decadent recipe is to include plenty of oil, salt, fat, and sugar in their refined forms. What we don’t realize is that none of that is necessary. There are wholefood alternatives that taste just as good, if not better in some circumstances

So what, specifically, are we talking about?

Date Bars

Dates are a type of fruit that contains around 80 percent sugar. They’re incredibly sweet, just like regular cane or beet sugar you find granulated in packets. However, because sugar is part and parcel of the fruit, the way it interacts with your body is totally different.

Making date bars is easy. Just combine them with some cashew nuts and vanilla extract and you’re good to go.

Apple, Banana, And Chia Seed Cookies

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Tips For Running a Food Business

Posted on Thursday, 28th April 2022

If you run a food business, whether it be a food stall, a craft food site, or something else, you want to ensure it has the best chance of success as possible. After all, the more people know about your business, the more custom you can bring in and the more money you’ll make. If you run a food truck, sell things you’ve made online or even own a little cafe or restaurant, you’re going to want to make sure it is set for success. Here are a few top tips for running a food business to help you on your way.

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Tip for an Excellent Dinner First Impressions

Posted on Tuesday, 19th April 2022

First impressions are the one and only chance you get to set the bar of what others can expect from you. From your interview for a job to meeting the potential in-laws, the first impression that they get from you will always be the magnetic north in the back of their minds. And no other first impression is more important than when you have people over for dinner for the first time. In this blog, we will discuss what you can do in preparation for this big event.

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How To Make Your Dinner Party Far More Fun

Posted on Tuesday, 19th April 2022

There is nothing more fun than a dinner party with your closest friends. These dinner parties can be crafted in a way that you can theme them, make them casual, make them fancy – your dinner party is all yours to make it exactly how you want it to be. Planning an event is exciting and if you can plan a dinner party that your friends will attend, then you will have the best time creating a menu and buying in decor.

Throwing your own dinner party gives you a chance to spend time with people you love, share great food you’ve created and tell amazing stories. The pandemic has taught us all that it’s important to surround ourselves with the people we love for as long as we can, and when you are planning your next meal, you have to think about how you can show others that you love them. From learning how to cook pasta in an instant pot and setting that as your main meal, to learning how to perfect a spiced pork chop, you can create a dinner party that your friends will talk about for months. You want to make your dinner party formal, but less stuffy so, here are some of the best ways that you can make it a much more fun event!

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The Best Tips For Maintaining Your Weight Loss

Posted on Wednesday, 23rd March 2022

The Best Tips For Maintaining Your Weight Loss

Reaching your weight loss goal is a milestone worth celebrating. Studies show that about 60% of Australians want to lose weight. If you’ve done so, congratulations!. But now it’s time to switch up your strategy to make sure that you maintain your new body. Maintaining your weight loss requires a much different approach than losing weight. In some cases, it can be harder to keep the weight off. However, that doesn’t mean it’s entirely impossible, and you shouldn’t feel bad if you are struggling. Weight fluctuations are completely normal. So, how can you prevent gaining those extra kilos you have worked so hard to lose? Here are a few tips and suggestions to help you get started.

1. Calorie tracking

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How to layer your meals with flavor

Posted on Friday, 18th March 2022

Food is all about balance. Of course, it would be best if you had the right mix of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in order to feel satisfied after a meal. But that doesn’t mean your meals have to be boring! One way to add some excitement to your food is by layering different flavors. This blog post will discuss how to layer your meals with flavor and also provide some tips on how to create balanced meals that are both delicious and healthy!

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How Food Can Improve Your Life

Posted on Tuesday, 8th March 2022

How Food Can Improve Your Life

Many individuals are unaware of how crucial food is in their everyday life. Of course, most people understand that you need to eat to exist, and it would be difficult to keep going without this tremendous fuel source. Food, however, can do a great deal of good for your emotions and the way you feel. It can improve your mood, make you feel more energetic, and even help with healing, among many other things.

If you want to experience these advantages, you must plan your diet carefully to ensure you get all the right nutrients and eat well. It is extremely commonplace for people to neglect this entirely, just eating whatever they can get hold of or whatever they like the look of. Although this will play some part, you must also do your planning and research. To neglect this is just not worth it. Read on to find out more about how food can improve your life.

Eat At The Right Times
It’s astonishing how many individuals prefer to eat just one meal a day. This will normally be in the late afternoon or evening, and it will be massive to make up for the lack of meals throughout the day. Many people find themselves hungry and irritable after using this technique. When it comes to eating, it makes more sense to have three or four smaller meals during the course of the day, beginning your day with a meal and snacking as needed. Most people will feel a lot better after doing this, and it may be an effective treatment for conditions like depression.

Your body needs fuel to function. Leaving your body empty and only filling it just before you go to bed means it will never work in the right way, and, even if you eat really well, you’ll still be wasting all the vitamins and minerals. Try eating breakfast, then having a snack mid-morning, then lunch, another snack, and a smaller dinner than usual. You could try Cajun chicken and sausage pasta for dinner tonight and see how that works out, for example. If you’re hungry before bed, you can throw in one last snack.

Eat The Right Food
When you’re attempting to make positive changes in your life via your diet, it’s best to stay away from processed items like junk food and snacks. Despite the fact that these foods may be delicious, they may also leave you feeling sluggish and depleted, which can negatively impact your wellbeing.

Vitamins, minerals, and nutrients are essential for good health, and a deficiency will make you feel unwell. Processed food and junk food often contain very few crucial nutrients, and unless you’re cooking the food yourself, you’ll never be quite sure whether you’re getting what you need. That’s why it’s best to cook your own food when you can.

Eat With Others
While the foods you consume might have a significant effect on your mood, how you eat them can also have an impact on this aspect of your life. For example, dining with groups of people allows you to be sociable without putting forth any actual effort. You will appreciate your dinner more if you share it with people you care about, which should be simple and straightforward to do in today’s culinary world.

This is a collaborative post.

How To Eat Healthily As A Family

Posted on Tuesday, 8th March 2022

How To Eat Healthily As A Family

One of the many jobs that a parent needs to have under control in their households is ensuring that their whole family eats healthily as much of the time as possible. Of course, the occasional treat such as a candy bar, takeout, or a bag of chips, for example, is not a bad thing – it should even be encouraged – but you should always eat it in moderation. Staying fit and healthy by having a good, well-balanced diet isn’t something that all parents find easy, but it is crucial, so here are some valuable tips to help you make it happen.

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