BBC Two – Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

Posted on Wednesday, 27th May 2009

A couple of months ago I blogged about attending the filming of the BBC programme ‘Put Your Menu Where Your Mouth Is‘ at The Mercer Restaurant. Well, it finally aired last night with a revised title of ‘Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is’. The chefs were Nick Nairn and Aldo Zilli.

I have to say, it was quite amusing to watch the finished programme and to reminisce about that evening, especially as two of my friends were interviewed and appeared on TV! My only comment – don’t believe the guests who said the food was good. It wasn’t.

Here is the link to the show on BBC iPlayer. It will be available to view for another 6 days.

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3 Responses to “BBC Two – Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is”

  1. gen.u.ine.ness Says...

    the show was unbelievably painful to watch…

  2. 'A Girl Has to Eat' Says...

    Yes it was very painful to watch.

    And the food! Ick!

  3. gen.u.ine.ness Says...

    yeah… i did spot you though. You looked lurveeeeely in a nice red dress. Btw i’m doneth and dusteth with uni… (until next Friday when I get my results)